Community Discussion

We appreciate the global effort in fighting this pandemic and welcome all discussions and contributions regarding the novel coronavirus. There are three ways to contribute your efforts to this portal.

Submit a Github Pull Request

You are welcome to fork our Github Project. If you would like to contribute your own discoveries related to COVID-19, please feel free to perform the following steps:

  1. Create a customized markdown file to publish your contribution
  2. Edit the mkdocs.yml file and put your markdown file under the section "- COVID-19 World Community:" as "- COVID-19 Effort From YOU"
  3. Submit your Pull Request and we will process your effort as soon as possible.

The brief tutorial below shows how to fork and make a pull request:

  1. Fork the Targeting2019-nCov repository
  2. Edit content
  3. Create pull request
  4. Submit pull request


Feel free to join the discussion at our Github Project. Additionally, if there are any resources that you think would be helpful, please raise an issue on this Github repository, and we will merge the resources to our portal as soon as possible.

Leave Us Message

For who not familiar with Github, you can also post your message HERE.

{English, 中文}